On Wednesday Clarry (from my book club) and I went to a literary morning tea with Paullina Simons. It was a slightly smaller crowd than the last event – 73 women & 2 men, compared to 248 women & 2 men for Diana Gabaldon!
We had a delicious morning tea whilst we waited for the guest of honour to arrive. We chatted with the fabulous people at our table and discussed our favourite books. Apart from ‘The Bronze Horseman’ series/trilogy, the next favourite of Paullina's books was ‘The Girl in Times Square’ – which is now on my bedside table being devoured nightly :) The first things I noticed about Paullina when she arrived was her gorgeous hair and her gorgeous handbag (I have an inbuilt handbag radar) – a Valentino Rosier Taffeta Tote, I Googled it. You can buy one online at Neiman Marcus for $1,795 USD.
I think it’s just delicious, click in the link above for a better look – or if you want to buy one! She bought it especially to take on her book tour.
Out of the 18 bags I made for market, I have 3 left. I sold 10 & gave 5 away for presents & PIF’s (except for Dee, yours got sold so I am making yours today). I’d better get my act together for the next market in 3 weeks time – plus do Christmas shopping and make 50 library bags, with my friend Jenny, for playgroup end of year presents.
Before I sign off, I thought I’d give you a quick update on Smileykylie – she is alive and well (I spoke to her yesterday!) Katherine and her will be going away on a sewing weekend soon so hopefully we will get to see some of her creations – no pressure Kylie.
With Love